Introduction to thermal physics schroeder solutions manual
Introduction to thermal physics schroeder solutions manual

introduction to thermal physics schroeder solutions manual

y LAWRIE, I.D., Problems on Statistical Mechanics, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol (1999).

  • CHANDLER, D., Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1987).
  • y DE LA RUBIA SÁNCHEZ, J., Mecánica Estadística, UNED, Madrid (2001).
  • y BATROUNI, G.G., Equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical thermodynamics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2004).
  • McQUARRIE, D.A., Statistical Mechanics, Harper & Row, New York (1976).
  • BALESCU, R., Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics,Wiley & Sons, New York (1975).
  • PATHRIA, R.K., Statistical Mechanics (2nd edition), Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford (1996).
  • In these tasks, students will have to carry out a study (preferably in teams) of a particle system in equilibrium, applying the theoretical techniques acquired during the course. In addition to the theoretical syllabus, students may be proposed to undertake practical or specific tasks with a significant computational component. Critical point, scale invariance, critical exponents.
  • Computational techniques in statistical physics: molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo method.
  • Introduction to the statistical physics of liquids.
  • Paramagnetism: dipoles in a magnetic field. Systems of independent harmonic oscillators. Statistical physics of photon gas: thermal radiation. Completely degenerate relativistic fermion gas. Statistical model of the atom: Thomas-Fermi model. Relativistic degenerate fermion gas: Chandrasekhar model of white dwarf stars. Degenerate ideal fermion gas: Fermi energy. Equation of state of the ideal quantum gas. Quantum indistinguishability: bosons and fermions. Lesson 5: INTRODUCTION TO THE IDEAL QUANTUM GAS. Appendices: The rigid rotor in quantum mechanics. Molecular structure: rotational, vibrational, and electronic degrees of freedom. Canonical partition function and thermodynamics of the Boltzmann gas. Appendices: Grand canonical fluctuations of energy.

    introduction to thermal physics schroeder solutions manual

    Grand canonical fluctuations in the number of particles. Lesson 3: FLUCTUATIONS, EQUIVALENCE OF ENSEMBLES, AND THERMODYNAMIC LIMIT. Appendices: Quantum effects in the classical limit.

    introduction to thermal physics schroeder solutions manual

    Construction of ensembles: Boltzmann's statistical physics. Appendices: Irreversibility: the arrow of time. Quantum formulation and quantum Liouville's theorem. Concept of ensemble and Liouville's theorem. Lesson 1: INTRODUCTION, FUNDAMENTALS, AND POSTULATES.

    Introduction to thermal physics schroeder solutions manual